dSHARP and Data CoLab Virtual Consulting Sessions

dSHARP and the dataCoLAb will offer Virtual Consultations for the remainder of the Spring 2020 semester.

We encourage you to contact us individually or email our group using dsharp @ andrew.cmu.edu to schedule a virtual consultation. If your interest is in working with datasets and data visualization, members of the DataCoLAB should be emailed using: dataCoLAB @ andrew.cmu.edu.

During consultations we can:

  • show you how to work with experimental digital methods;
  • begin connecting you to resources for self-teaching or the local networks of DH and DS practitioners at CMU, the University of Pittsburgh;
  • help you brainstorm, scope, and begin planning a project;
  • evaluate and offer advice on the display of visual content, such as presentations, poster designs, and web design;
  • find, create, and work with data, including data management, data mining & data modeling;
  • learn about the availability of tools and platforms on campus, such as ArcGIS (GIS data), Tableau (data visualization), and others;
  • provide feedback on your dataset, data management plan, project design, and code.
  • consult on digital humanities platforms (Omeka, Scalar, Mukutru, for example) and digital publishing (Janeway Open Journal platform and WordPress).

We will also do our best to refer you to support and expertise around CMU including other Library consultants and the Eberly Center.

See more about the dSHARP group here: http://dsharp.library.cmu.edu/about/