DH Reading Group: October

On Wednesday October 25, the DH reading group will be meeting from 5-6:30pm at Hemingway’s Cafe to read work by Ursula Lutzky and Heather Froehlich (with a probable appearance by Heather Froelich depending on traffic).

Our selections this month:

DH Reading Group: September

Who: anyone interested in reading analytical articles encompassing the digital humanities, including but not limited to digital history
What: read some stuff of interest to the group members, get together over food or drinks and discuss the readings
When: September 27th, 5pm-6:30pm and repeated on the last Wednesday of every month, August-May (no meeting in June or July)
Where: If you know of a quieter place with food/drink in the Oakland area where we can meet, please let me know and I’ll check it out!  In the meantime, we’ll stick to Hemingway’s Cafe (3911 Forbes Ave).
Our readings this month will be from the Viral Texts project:

DH Reading Group: August

Who: anyone interested in reading analytical articles encompassing the digital humanities, including but not limited to digital history

What: read some stuff of interest to the group members, get together over food or drinks and discuss the readings

When: Tuesday, August 29th*** (one time change only), 5pm-6:30pm and repeated on the last Wednesday of every month, August-May (no meeting in June, July, or December)

Where: Hemingway’s Cafe (3911 Forbes Ave).

Our readings this month will be:

DH Reading Group: May

Who: anyone interested in reading analytical articles encompassing the digital humanities, including but not limited to digital history

What: read some stuff of interest to the group members, get together over food or drinks and discuss the readings

When: May 31th, 5pm-6:30pm and repeated on the last Wednesday of every month, August-May (no meeting in June or July)

Where: We are still questing for the perfect meeting location. Since most of the students are gone, however, let’s go again to Hemingway’s Cafe (3911 Forbes Ave).

Our readings this month will be:

Because a lot of people will be leaving town already, please RSVP to me (jotis *at* andrew.cmu.edu) if you intend to come, so that I know we have a quorum.

DH Reading Group: April

Who: anyone interested in reading analytical articles encompassing the digital humanities, including but not limited to digital history

What: read some stuff of interest to the group members, get together over food or drinks and discuss the readings

When: April 26th, 5pm-6:30pm and repeated on the last Wednesday of every month

Where: We are still questing for the perfect meeting location. This time, we’ll try the back room at Hemingway’s Cafe (3911 Forbes Ave).

Our readings this month will be:

– The Transnational and Text Searchable, Lara Putnam: https://academic.oup.com/ahr/article/121/2/377/2581842/The-Transnational-and-the-Text-Searchable

– GIS and Literary History: Advancing Digital Humanities research through the Spatial Analysis of historical travel writing and topographical literature, http://www.digitalhumanities.org/dhq/vol/11/1/000283/000283.html

PGH|DH Reading Group

Thanks to everyone who attended the PGH|DH gathering earlier this month!  At the meeting, many people expressed an interest in a pan-Pittsburgh Digital Humanities or Digital History reading group.  Here it is!
Who: anyone interested in reading analytical articles encompassing the digital humanities, including but not limited to digital history
What: read some stuff of interest to the group members, get together over food or drinks and discuss the readings
When: March 29th, 5pm-6:30pm and repeated on the last Wednesday of every month
Where: the Porch at Schenley.  If that doesn’t work well, we will relocate for future meetings.
Our first month’s readings will be:
– The Civilizing Process in London’s Old Bailey by Sara Klingenstein, Tim Hitchcock, and Simon DeDeo: http://www.pnas.org/content/111/26/9419.full
– Quantitative Analysis of Culture Using Millions of Digitized Books, http://science.sciencemag.org/content/331/6014/176